The organizational structure of the College is presented in the flow chart.
Fig.: Organizational flow chart of College of Fisheries
The syllabus of BFSc course has been framed on the basis of the recommendations in the ICAR’s Deans Committee Report. The Board of Studies of the College and the Academic Council of the University approved it.
Implementation of the courses, as per the syllabus is monitored by the Dean, FFSc with the assistance of the I/C, Academic Cell. Any academic matters requiring examination are discussed in the Board of Studies of the College and necessary changes, if required, are placed in the Academic Council for review and acceptance. Only approved matters of the Academic Council are implemented.
Within the College, there is an Advisory Committee for each department, to look after the implementation of the syllabus. Due to the lack of designated HoD, the said committee also takes the responsibility to moderate question papers set by an external examiner, if the necessity arises. Monitoring of teaching activities may thus be presented as under.
Proper implementation of the academic matters and the syllabus, are monitored by the designated I/C, HoD of Aquaculture, Fishery Biology and the Dean. Responsibility to moderate question papers set by the external examiner has been entrusted to the committee constituted with the Dean as Chairman, I/C HoDs as moderator and the I/C Academic Cell as the Member Secretary. Implementation of the course contents for each course is monitored twice during the semester (before midterm and end-term examinations) by a constituted departmental committee.
To monitor overall progress (both academic and extracurricular) of a student, a group of ten students are placed under the counseling of a teacher who provides guidance for all required purposes.
The College has no institutional research activity like co-ordinated projects. However, under the Director of Research (Vety.), priority areas of research in fisheries for the North Eastern Region are worked out, wherein all teachers of the college participate. The matters are then placed before the Research Advisory Committee under the DR (Vety. & Fisheries) for approval. Teachers accordingly frame research proposals to submit to ICAR as ad-hoc projects or to other funding sources. As the funding agencies approve and finance such research proposals the College implements the same.
Planning, execution and monitoring of the research activities thus may be presented as hereunder:
Within the priority areas of research in fisheries identified by the Research Advisory Committee, a teacher formulates a research proposal in consultation with other faculty members and thereafter frame a proposal as per norms of funding agencies for submission to the DR (Vety. & Fisheries) through proper channel for onward processing. The route followed in the planning part is as under.
Defined and University/ State supported Extension activity in the College is lacking. Often outside agencies approach the College to take up programmes of fisheries training and demonstration with financial support. In such cases, a formal proposal is framed, with list of identified beneficiaries, training/ demonstration activity and cost involved, to obtain the financial support, through proper channel. The execution part of the research activities of the College is done through the route given below.
Financial support received to conduct Research/ Extension in fisheries, by the University/ College, against approved proposals is implemented at the College. Financial and administrative part for proper implementation of Research/ Extension activities are monitored through the route-
As the College does not have specific institutional extension activities so far and it organizes only the sponsored workshops/ seminar/ trainings, the planning and monitoring of extension activities of the College are yet to be defined. At the request of the sponsoring agencies, proposals are prepared and submitted by the Dean, FFSc to the concerned organization.
Such a proposal when funded, the Dean takes up initiative to get approval of the University for implementation by following the route and monitor thereof.
Activities of the student welfare are planned, monitored and executed by following the route.